Mr. Habeeb Habash

Habeeb Habash, currently a consultant in the field of hospitality and tourism with special expertise in national and regional tourism marketing, planning and development. Habeeb has over 35 years of experience working with national and international development organisations.

He had served a large part of his career in the tourism sector in Jordan where he was working as Assistant Secretary General of the Ministry of Tourism and Antiquites, Advisor to the Jordan Tourism Board, and Tourism Component Manager of the EU funded ASEZA project in Aqaba.

However Habeeb represented Jordan in many international tourism conferences, exhibitions and organisations which provided him with a wide and varied international exposure to tourism development experiences and issues around the world.

Habeeb holds a BSc in Hotel and Catering Administration (Surrey-1982) and an MSc in Tourism Planning and Development (Surrey-1983). He is also the First Jordanian to attain the professional Fellow status of the International Hospitality Institute (UK) and the First Arab to attain Fellow status of the Tourism Society and the Tourism Consultants Network (UK).


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